HISARTOUR will provide a software platform that will enable a faster, more economical and optimized development for mobile historical events reconstruction and for applications oriented to smartphones and tablets enabling the collaboration of outside programmers in the improvement or modification.
The technological challenge for HISARTOUR is far-reaching: to develop a platform for creating accessible mobile historical recreations for the desired scenarios. The tourist will enjoy a new experience on his own or shared with others.
Project description
The Historical Sites Augmented Reality for Tourists Project (HISARTUR) focuses on the development of a service running in the cloud and downloaded on smart mobile devices that can provide a new experience when visiting open air areas like Battlegrounds, Ancient Building sites or other Relevant Historical sites where significant events took place.
The application will provide complete visual augmented reality experience in accelerated time that will allow reenacting in 3D the events based on the historical available facts documented for the visitor based on the available historical images or simulate alternatives to the actual events with a War Gaming Capability. Armies’ deployment, individual troop’s situation, armament and evolution and the effect of the enemy fire power on them will be visible in the AR image with possibility of representing a bird’s eye view of the event, the individual soldier visual experience or reverting to the 2D evolution of the event.
Dates: 15/07/2015
Graz Battle application first version has been launched. Visit GrazWeb to know more about it and start to enjoy it!
Dates: 01/22/2014 - 01/26/2014
Location: Madrid, Spain.
FITUR 2014 international tourism fair in Madrid one of the most important tourism sector worldwide was held at IFEMA Feria de Madrid bringing together the leading travel agencies in countries or regions of Spain
FITURTECH 2014 forum technology innovation and tourism held on 22 and 24 January and focused on analyzing the challenges of the tourism industry and the future for companies in the sector in areas such as innovation, connectivity or mobility.