Logo Grupo Innovati

Grupo Innovati is a Spanish IT innovation solutions and services provider with 209 (2011) employees working in various branches in Spain. Grupo Innovati solutions and services are based on cutting edge technological advances acquired both through our internal knowledge specialization driven processes, as well as within our participation in research collaborative activities, both at National and European level.

Having a work force mostly composed of multidisciplinary qualified professionals who have engineering studies in different areas, Grupo Innovati has as primary objective: the constant renewal and permanence in the forefront of the technology market, being adapted to a changing environment in continuous technological transformation by providing innovative solutions supporting and bolstering their business processes.

Grupo Innovati has abundant experience in mobile applications and games, some of which are oriented to disadvantaged groups or with functional difficulties. Some examples of it are some developed projects, as "Las Mujeres Primero" (http://www.lasmujeresprimero.org/), an assistive game for immigrant women in Spain, or "INREDIS" (www.inredis.es), a reference R&D project about accessibility. Knowledge and work carried out in Grupo Innovati enables the organization to develop applications for any device smartphone or tablet, and for the platforms that they implement, taking into account higher accessibility, usability, communications and security requirements.

We take care of the technological developments as well as of the efficiency, quality and sustainability, being these parameters key ones for reaching different technological challenges in the industry and society. Applying our expertise and knowledge about the Information Technologies, we have increased the competitiveness and capacity to innovate and that is why we dedicate so many efforts into R&D activities, contributing in this way to reach a sustainable society and market based on the results of the research, collaboration and best know-how sharing among the different actors within the value chain.

Grupo Innovati develops ICT projects in the areas of NG mobile applications, advanced applications on top of IP technologies and communications, networks, connectivity and digital content management projects.
The company has been focused during last years on the investigation of location technologies. Bluetooth, GPS, mobile location-, content management, cloud computing, security and HMI technologies, having the appropriate equipment, material and knowledge for taking over this project. As final customer services Grupo Innovati is focused on eHealth, eGovernment, eCommerce, eLearning and eTurism. Having customers all around Spain.

Logo Mystery FX

MYSTERY FX, located in LYON (FRANCE), was established to provide visual effects services.
Our business is bringing imagination to life, materializing the scripts and storyboards words and drawing that would otherwise be limited or impossible to achieve.

Our core activities are:
- Serious Gaming
- ICT solutions
- ITS Solutions and development
-HMI solutions
- CG animations
- Motion graphics
- Creations or Conversions of stereoscopic movies and animations using personal tools
- Visual effects
- Color grading

MysteryFX is a brand new company but only constituted by experts in several domains (R&D expert, Motion Graphics Expert, Serious Game and 3D environment experts)
so as you can imagine, we could take part to this project by managing user needs and by developing platform and interfaces on media mobiles.

C.C.COM GmbH is specialized in the sector of technical software development. Main business units comprise the development and quality management of highly complex software components.

Since its founding in 1998, they managed and contributed to many national and international projects. The involved technologies were widespread, from realtime systems, distributed applications, embedded system, complex visualization and control software to 3D-simulations and also 'classical' software projects on different IT-environments.

In 2002 the product portfolio was expanded with quality assurance and software testing tools. Research projects based on GPS and the planned Galileo positioning systems were started at about the same time. Additional market segments were added to the customer base and application for the telecommunication, mobile computing and wireless technology had been developed.

Strategic partnerships with other high-tech companies, universities and research institutions were started and a dedicated research and development department was installed within the companies organization. Own product lines could be developed, based on results of the R&D projects.


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